Thursday, April 7, 2011

Waiting for Superman and School Supply Drive

Come and see a free showing of the documentary Waiting for Superman, which brings awareness to the education system in the United States.

We will also be holding a school supply drive. In support of the kids we work with at Hoops, we ask if you can please donate pencils, folders, notebooks, or erasers. Many of these students do not have these simple classroom tools. 

The Dorothy Day Room is located in room 400 of the John T. Richardson Library. We will also have Hoops volunteers waiting in front of the Library to point you in the right direction.

Tonight, April 7 at 6:30 PM!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Advise the Advisor

Hello everyone!

This is Jackie from Brussels! I just learned about this awesome program the White House is doing called Advise the Advisor.  Melody Barnes, Director of Domestic Policy Council is taking feedback from American teachers, students, and parents on ways to improve the American education system.  Take a minute and send in your thoughts- they will be accepted until 5PM EST this Friday, March 11.  Next week there will be a summary posted on the blog.

Sam and I realize we have not updated the blog in quite some time. However, I can assure you this is for good reason.  Sam and the Hoops crew have been working on a "Good Man" campaign.  Sam has been collecting advice from successful men in the community and creating a dialogue with the boys about becoming men and what that means.  We expect to have some updates in the near future! Hold tight, lots of changes going on at Kelly Y, but all good! 

Missing Kelly Hall and the crew with love and hope,
