Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks

We have finished our finals (well some of us, the lucky ones!) and are ready for a relaxing holiday.  We have six weeks until winter quarter begins and we will start service again.  Last Wednesday was our last day for the quarter, and my (Jackie) last day for the year.  I will be leaving for Belgium in early January to study international relations abroad.  I will be interning at the EU, and hope to work in something related to education or immigration.  Although it was extremely hard to say my goodbyes, we all know this is not a perminant goodbye. Although physically I will not be at the Y, I will be there in spirit! I will continue to keep in touch with the students, staff, and the crew via postcards, email, and of course the blog!

Before we both left for break, we reflected on the quarter.  We feel that although many changes are on the horizon, we are both very thankful for many things in our life, especially those regarding Hoops.  We asked students and staff to share what they are thankful for, in the spirit of the season.

"My family and food."
"My baby brother."
"My family."
"Family, school, and games."
"My family, friends, school, and teachers."
“I am thankful that I have never had more to be thankful about.”
"Everybody- all the volunteers, my kids, my blessings.  I am basically thankful for life."
"My twin sister."
"My family, clothes, food, and the YMCA."
"The world."
"The clothes on my back, my family and friends."
"My family. And that we have enough money to pay rent."
“I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given, and the support along the way to pursue them.”
"My mama."
"My family sitting at the table."
"My mom."
"The people who help me with my homework."
"My mom, dad, brother, and grandma."
"Parents and siblings."

Last time we gathered individual's thoughts, we associated names and ages with what was said.  This time however, we decided not to because we feel that although this community is made up of many individuals, together they create a collective voice.  Our entire group is thankful for the wonderful people we have come to know and love at the YMCA.  We wish you all a relaxing holiday.  And as you fill your tummies with all the wonderful home cooked meals, remember what you have, what you have lost, and what it is you want to obtain. 

With love and hope,

Sam & Jackie

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