Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet the crew!

Each week we would like to introduce one of our wonderful committed volunteers.  We have a tight knit community of DePaul students who come to service with us.  We feel it is important for you to get to know each of them as they are just as important as we are.

This week we asked our dear friend Alessandria to reflect on her experience as a Hoops volunteer at Kelly Y.

"Hello Everyone! My name is Alessandria, or as everyone at Hoops and Hopes knows me, Ali.  I am a junior at DePaul University studying secondary education.  I came to DePaul on a Leadership Scholarship, which involves actively volunteering and giving back to the city of Chicago. Previous to my time in college, I occasionally did the monthly volunteering gig. Not until I arrived at DePaul did I understand that volunteering was more than just showing up once or twice a month. I got involved with the Hoops and Hopes Program with help from a friend, Jackie Clevette. As the coordinator for the site, she invited me to come along. Now, I have been volunteering at the Kelly YMCA for a year and a half.  Whether it’s playing basketball in the gym or assisting the kids in the homework room, I never have a time there where I haven’t laughed or smiled. The students that are involved in this afterschool program are a joy to be around.  Each person in our volunteer group is extremely dedicated to being a role model. Consistency is key. I, as well as my fellow volunteers, believe that consistently attending the Kelly YMCA is a fundamental part in the development of these children. We want to be at the Kelly YMCA to help these children succeed in their education and in their lives. Why work really hard for a short period of time to accomplish a goal then let your efforts die out? Sometimes we may get frustrated when helping with homework, or when a student is mis-behaving but we have to commit in order for the children to succeed fully.  I intend to continue my efforts with hoops and hopes throughout the rest of my time here at DePaul."  

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