Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Crew Member!

We would like to introduce a new member of our crew, Matt Thomas.  Matt has just started volunteering with us, and has earned his stripes among the group as a loyal, patient and fun volunteer.  Matt has a real knack for working with these students. He has really bonded with one student in particular.  When we first met this kindergartener, we immediately saw signs of dyslexia.  Teaching this 5 year old how to write his name has been a difficult and sometimes patience testing challenge.  Matt however, has shown great composure and has given him tools to remember and recognize letters to write his name as well as other words.  Although he still writes his Js backwards, Matt's hard work and dedication can be seen every day at the top of his homework. 
This is what Matt has said about his experience working at the Kelly YMCA.
“My name is Matthew Thomas, and I am a junior at DePaul University.  I am a Psychology major with a minor in Marketing.  I am originally from Plymouth, Minnesota and have just recently started volunteering with the Hoops and Hopes Kelly YMCA program.  I began volunteering in September 2010, out of personal interest and because some of my friends were involved with the program.   So far I have gone every Monday and Wednesday possible because I have developed a strong bond with many of the students we interact with and learn about.   Going to the YMCA has become a source of personal enjoyment and entertainment throughout my week.    My goal for volunteering with Hoops and Hopes is that I can help these kids with their daily school work and hopefully motivate them to push themselves to their fullest potential.”

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