Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Parking Lot Success

Sometimes life presents you with challenges that you are not sure you can handle on your own. This is a universal obstacle that every person will face. What we try to do at Kelly YMCA is add to the community already in place and do our best to offer a shoulder for stability. Many of the children we work with stare adversity in the face and many do not blink. The strength we see shows in a variety of forms, some kids act tough, some act kind, and some stay to themselves. Each of these is without question a form of strength. However there is only so much the human shoulders can withstand.

We witnessed something very beautiful on Monday at Hoops.  The boys ages 8-12 have began their fall flag football practices.  Their coach Ken is the kindest, most faithful man we have ever met.  Ken coaches these boys with a hard hand yet exemplifies the importance of team work.  While watching their practice in the parking lot, Sam and I noticed something.  Every time the QB would throw the ball to a player, every other player would become upset because they felt they could make the play.  After a while Ken, Sam and I began to grow a little tired off all the complaining and self benching.  We heard, "Man! I could have made that catch!" And, "Man, you weak!"  The QB started to become a little cocky, and said, "I need some receivers!"  The interesting thing however, was that every time one of those “weak receivers” would make a great play or touchdown, the entire gang would gather around and celebrate the moment.  This was not just a small hip hip horray; this was a big dog pile of hugging, cheering, and dancing.  You would have thought they had just won the Super Bowl.  After practice we began to reflect on this game.  Sam and I find it extremely interesting that every time the kids weren't given an opportunity they would become visibly upset.  A lot of this frustration stems from the lack of opportunity these kids are given outside of the Y and the parking lot.  Although this is a sad truth and reality, there is something so inspiring that when these kids succeed they are able to come together and celebrate one another's success.  This is exactly what our group, Hoops, and the Kelly YMCA tries to instill in this community.  A person in any community, West Humboldt Park, Lincoln Park, or elsewhere must face the reality and frustration of lacking opportunities.  We all face great challenges in our lives, but the important thing we can take from a couple of kids playing flag football in a YMCA parking lot, is that we can all lean on each other to celebrate the few  times when we do succeed.  So ask yourself, who in your life is going through a challenge? And, can you help them celebrate their moments of success?

With love and hope,
Sam & Jackie


  1. Awesome analogy! Thanks for your weekly posts :)

  2. love you guys. thank you for the wisdom and the questions!
    write on. dribble on.
